How can you stay from me

 How can you stay from me ?

    Love Captions
  • ·         How can you stay away from me? I know you thought of me all night.

    ·         My dog wanted you to know that he misses you.

    ·         No, I don’t have a boyfriend. You can thank me later for reading your mind.

    ·         Save me the trouble of liking all your Instagram pics and send me an original.

    ·         Are you this cute all the time, or did I just catch you on a really good day?

    ·         Are you smiling right now? If you are that’s good. Very. Very. Good.

    ·         I don’t plan to go after you forever, so at some point, you should stop running away from me, don’t you think?

    ·         Multiple choice: A. I should send you a text that just says hello. B. I should tell you that I haven’t stopped thinking of you since I saw you. C. I should just tell you to come over.

    ·         I can’t even remember the last time we spoke. We need to change that.

    ·         I’ll give you 3 chances to guess what I’m thinking about right now.


    Did you smile when you saw my name Pop up

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